Thursday, March 17, 2011

won't break anything that you are, you are

Day 19:A picture of a letter.

I chose the letter P,cause my name starts with a P. mhmmmm

(song:all we are-one republic)

Sensitive, it's true, alligator tears cried over you.

Day 18:A picture of your biggest insecurity.

My chin. i wont dare put up a photo where you can actually see the problem.
its just got a lot of bumps on it. they wont have to burn a bunch of layers off my chin for it to ever be flat again. and i defintely dont want to look like a burn victim. 'sigh'

(song:alligator-tegan & sara)

just a chance that maybe we'll find better days

Day 17:A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

MONEY!! ugh, why is does money have to be sooo important.
My money has been slipping through my fingers so fast.
It sucks not being able to do half of the things you want to do because it costs too much!
I'm try to get a job. I've been on 3 job interviews in the last 3 months and
still no job. Why can't money just grow on trees?

(song:better days-goo goo dolls)

So Breathe While You're Still Alive

Day 16:A picture of a person who inspires you.

I'm not sure who inspires me. I can't think of one person. I think I've been inspired by so many people. Musicians, Artists, Singers, Poets, Parents, Church, Friends.

(song:Don't let them see you cry-manchester orchestra)