Thursday, February 3, 2011

Take Me As I Am

So I was looking at my friends blog and she had a friend who came up with a good idea of a 30 day blog post. Each day is about a particular thing. So since I have way to much time on my I go, starting now.

DAY 1: A picture of yourself with 15 facts.

-I chose this picture because thats probably how I look most of the time. Focused on something, in deep thought, or not thinking at all. My hair, crazy with tons of different colors.

1. This is a picture of me in October when I just turned 19.
2. There's not a day that goes by when I don't listen to music.
3. I really believe if I was filthy rich I would give to charity and people in need. So...I'm hoping God will come around and bless me? tehe.
4. I like to draw and paint. Although I'm not that good. It's my remedy when I'm feeling creative.
5. I can't sing at alllllll.
6. I'm a Licensed CNA, HHA, and Caregiver..whoopee.
7. I love love love to travel.
8. I want to move around the world a lot in the future.
9. I went sky diving for my 16 birthdayyyy. indescribable!
10. I've gone to South Africa and road an ostrich.
11. I used to act like I was a dog when I was younger...probably did it the whole year I was 6.
12. I wish someone would invent a time machine already...sigh
13. I had a pet turtle named squirt for 4 years...then it ran away:( i miss her.
14. I've never been kissed under a misletoe. forget the spelling.
15. I am deeply in love<3

(song:The Way I Am by:Ingrid Michaelson)

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